Live from the Wall Comedy Club - It´s New Year´s Eve!!! Tuesday 31 December 2024

Tue 31 Dec 2024, 20:00 - The Wall Comedy, Berlin
government for permission to build a new Berlin Wall, (and they approved for some reason!), we'd like to
... Berlin.
What can you expect from the show? We've invited some of the best international comedians who... perform regularly in Berlin and throughout Europe for a two hour stand up comedy show. We have a lovely... . If you want to see some of the best Stand Up Comedy in Berlin, this event is for you!
About the

From Saturday 4 January to Saturday 21 June 2025:
Dark Mode: Black Hole Open Mic From Saturday 4 January to Saturday 21 June 2025

Z-Bar, Berlin
comedy’s event horizon: no filters, no escape, just raw, unhinged hilarity from Berlin’s boldest
... it.
Dark Mode has been leading the charge for dark comedy in Berlin since 2017, evolving from the... legendary Berlin Offensive to become the city’s premier home for horrible humans. The Black Hole digs even...
Dark Mode is Berlin’s home for comedy that cuts deep and leaves a scar. Since crawling out of the

Sunday 5 January 2025:
Comedyshow . 20 Uhr . Fast Spontan . in Friedrichshain Sunday 5 January 2025

Sun 5 Jan 2025, 20:00 - The Wall Comedy, Berlin
spielen die besten Comedians der berliner Comedyszene Teile ihrer Programme, um euch und uns in Stimmung
... treibende Kraft der Berliner Comedyszene etabliert. Mitten im Schmelztiegel für Kunst und Kultur (direkt am

From Monday 6 January to Monday 24 February 2025:
Spiritual Advice For Losers - An English comedy in Berlin event. From Monday 6 January to Monday 24 February 2025

Z-Bar, Berlin
Spiritual Advice For Losers - An hour with magdalena the fotune teller and guests.
In this once in a lifetime show, Magdalena will tell you the future, summon the spirits, open your mind and send you home less of a loser.
Described by many as a kind of show they have never seen before, and proclaimed by participants as a life changing experience, Magdalena the fortune teller is here to tra

Wednesday 8 January 2025:
Lea Strei­sand trifft Tors­ten Schulz Wednesday 8 January 2025

Wed 8 Jan 2025, 20:00 - Brotfabrik, Berlin
ande­re exis­ten­ti­el­le Fra­gen klä­ren die bei­den Schrift­stel­ler
Tors­ten Schulz, geb. in Ber­lin
Lea Strei­sand, 1979 gebo­ren in Ost-Berlin, ist bekannt für ihre radio-Eins-Kolumne war schön

Thursday 9 January 2025:
Let them eat cake - comedy show with Bee Baumann Thursday 9 January 2025

Thu 9 Jan 2025, 20:00 - Z-Bar, Berlin
Bee Baumann, a comedy powerhouse hailing from Indianapolis and thriving in a small village in Germany. She has crafted a unique comedic voice that bridges cultures with sharp wit and undeniable charm. Since 2017, Bee has been captivating audiences with her smart, side-splitting humor, blending the grit of her Midwest roots with the absurdities of German village life in her adopted hometown affecti

Saturday 11 January 2025:
Die Improvisionäre spielen was Ihr wollt! Saturday 11 January 2025

Sat 11 Jan 2025, 20:00 - Brotfabrik, Berlin
Die Impro­vi­sio­nä­re sind die wit­zigs­te, ori­gi­nells­te, ein­zig­ar­tigs­te und beschei­dens­te Impro­vi­sa­ti­ons­thea­ter­grup­pe der Welt. Sei­en Sie dabei, wenn in rund 90 Minu­ten nach den Ideen des Publi­kums ein kom­plet­tes Stück ent­steht, das so nie geprobt wur­de und so nie wie­der zu sehen sein wird. Hier wird Thea­ter rich­tig demo­kra­tisch, denn die Idee dahin­ter ist: Das Publ

From Tuesday 14 January to Tuesday 9 June 2026:
YAAAS QUEEN! | Women & LGBTQ+ Comedy Show From Tuesday 14 January to Tuesday 9 June 2026

The Wall Comedy, Berlin
Yaaas Queen is a monthly celebration of fierce and fabulously funny queens, kings and royal criminal queers! The show is in English and on second Tuesday of every month.
This is not just a stand-up comedy open mic - it is a fun and safe space for women & LGBTQIA+ comics who want to either try stand-up for the first time, work on their funny bits or experiment with other comedy formats. There’s

Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 January 2025:
Bridge Markland: Woyzeck in the Box Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 January 2025

Brotfabrik, Berlin
Büchners Fragment Woyzeck für die Generation Popmusik - Die classic in the box- Reihe trifft auf Büchners „Woyzeck". Spannend wird es in der Inszenierung durch den Bezug zur heutigen Zeit, gestützt durch Popsongs vieler Generationen und Klassikern der Filmmusik. Virtuos jongliert Bridge Markland originalgetreue Textzeilen und popmusikalische Zitate und unterläuft ganz nebenbei festgelegte Rollenzu

Thursday 16 January 2025:
La Señora Comedia: Stand Up Comedy de Lu Noboa Thursday 16 January 2025

Thu 16 Jan 2025, 20:00 - Z-Bar, Berlin
años desde que comenzó en la comedia, escenarios en Ecuador y ahora Europa. Berlin le dio la

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